KOREA, B.1965
김대관은 독일 할레에서 유학할 때 곧잘 인근에 있는 강을 따라 산책하곤 했다. 그러면서 고향에 대한 그리운 마음을 삭이고 키웠다. 고향에도 강이 흐르고 있었다. 그에게 강은 고향을 그리워하는 마음 곧 향수를 의미했고, 그 시절로 회귀하는 시간을 의미했다. 여기서 작가는 유리회화를 생각해낸다. 물이 그렇듯, 빛을 투과하는, 그래서 투명한 성질을 갖는 유리판 위에 채색이 얹힌다면 마음 속에 흐르는 강물을 표현할 수가 있을 것이다. 물을 투명하게 하는 것도 물의 질료 속으로 투과하게 하는 것도 빛이다. 비록 질료는 다르지만 유리 역시 마찬가지이다. 빛이 매개가 되어져서 물과 유리를 상동하게 한다.
Dae-Kwan Kim believed he could express the river running through his mind if he put some colors on the a pane of transparent glass as water let the light penetrate itself. It is light that makes water look transparent, and that penetrates substances of water. Glass has similar quality to water even though different substances constitute these two things each other. Light works as a medium in making water and glass have a lot in common. The artist aims to awake our senses to perceive water and recognize light at the same time through his glass paintings.


Daekwan Kim
The Light on the Water 231004, 2023

Daekwan Kim
The Light on the Water 231005, 2023

Daekwan Kim
The light on the water 13002G, 2022
2007 Diploma from Department of Fine Arts, Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule in Halle, Germany
1998 B.A., Chugye University for Arts, Seoul, Korea
2022 Expansion of Light, N Gallery, Bundang
2019 The Light on the Water, GALLERY LA VERITA, Seoul
2018 The Light on the Water, MAKE Gallery, Seoul
2018 The Light on the Water, Gallery O, Seoul
2017 The Light on the Water, ab Gallery Korea, Seoul
2015 The Light on the Water, Gallery U.H.M., Seoul
2014 The Light on the Water, Take Off Gallery, Duesseldorf, Germany
2013 The Light on the Water, Philip Gang Gallery, Seoul
2012 The Light on the Water, Philip Gang Gallery, Seoul
2011 The Light on the Water, Art Gallery Chungdam, Chungdo
2011 The Light on the Water, Gallery So, Seoul
2010 The Light on the Water, Jongro Gallery, Seoul
2010 The Light on the Water, Philip Gang Gallery, Seoul
2009 The Light on the Water, Borchert+Schelenz Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2023 M&M: Matter and Meaning, N Gallery, Bundang
2019 Chongju Craft Biennale, Culture Industry Foundation, Chongju
2019 inside or outside?, SEJUL Gallery, Seoul
2018 Jjuk Saem 5 Exhibition, GALLERY 41, Seoul
2015 Art Kyoung Ju 2015 3rd, HICO, Kyongju
2015 Invited Duo Exhibition, Kimboseong Art Center
2013 Kunstmesse C.A.R. Solo Exhibition, Essen, Germany
2009 'ROEHERENDER HIRSCH' Galerie Borchert+Schelenz, Berlin, Germany
2008 Kim Dae-Kwan & Pola Braendle 'Strukturen im Dialog', Galerie Bochert+Schelenz, Berlin, Germany
2007 JUTTA CUNY-FRANZ 2007, Duesseldorf Museum of Glass, Duesseldorf, Germany
KUNSTPREIS WASSER 2007, Galerie im Hamburg-Bergedorf HH-Bergedorf, Hamburg, Germany
and more
2013-2014 Peters Glass Studio, Paderborn, Germany
2007 First Prize, KUNSTPREIS WASSER 2007, Gallery in Hamburg-Begedorf HH-Bergedorf, Hamburg, Germany
2006-2007 Excellent Graduate Work Award, Burg Giebichenstein Kunst Hochschule, Halle, Germany
2005 Third Prize, Art Competition of 21. Mainzer Kunstpreis Eisenturm 2005, Mainz, Germany
Private Collections