장 보고시안 (Jean Boghossian)은 추상적인 다양한 예술 분야에서 활동하는 예술가로, 최근 작품들은 모두 어느 정도 불의 흔적을 띄고 있다. 그는 강압적이고 상당히 위험한 방법인 불을 사용하여 의도적인 손상 과정을 거치며, 계속해서 조화를 탐구한다. 그는 불길과 연기의 불규칙한 움직임을 완전히 다룰 수 없음을 인식하면서도, 불놀이에 참여하여 불꽃과 함께 움직이다가 적절한 시기에 작업을 중단함으로써 적절한 균형점에 도달한다고 느낀다. 1949년, 알레포에서 출생한 보고시안은 베이루트의 성 요셉 대학에서 경제학과 사회학을 공부하면서 가족 보석업체에서 일했다. 1975년, 레바논 내전으로 인해 보고시안은 나라를 떠나 벨기에에 정착했다. 30년 전, 보고시안은 가족 사업을 감독하면서 브뤼셀 보이츠포르 예술 대학에 입학하기로 결정했다. 1992년, 그는 그의 아버지, 형제와 함께 보고시안 재단(Boghossian Foundation)을 창립했다. 보고시안은 다양한 작품에 불과 연기를 사용하는 전 세계의 몇 안 되는 예술가들 중 한 명이다. 그가 선택한 예술 언어인 불은 여러 종류의 토치를 통해 사용된다. 보고시안은 그의 예술이 어떠한 예술 운동에도 속하지 않는다고 주장하지만, 약 10 여년 전 추상으로 전환한 그의 작업은 제로 무브먼트와 플럭서스에 대한 현대적인 관점을 불러일으킬 수 있다. 보고시안은 캔버스, 종이, 책, 플라스틱 등의 물건들에 화염을 가하여 구멍의 패턴들을 남긴다. 그는 그림과 드로잉에 수채화, 숯, 오일, 안료, 아크릴 페인트 등의 다양한 복합재료들을 사용하며, 접힘, 콜라주, 뽑기 기술 등을 적용한다. 그의 조각 작품은 나무, 폴리스티렌, 점토, 대리석, 청동 등으로 구성되며, 그 중 일부는 불을 사용하여 작업한다.
Jean Boghossian is an abstract multidisciplinary artist whose recent artworks all bear, at different degrees, traces of burn degradation. It is through the process of willful damage with an invasive and rather violent method (fire), that Boghossian continuously searches for harmony. Conscious that one will never completely tame the chaotic move of flames and smoke, he enters the fire dance and moves along with the blaze until he chooses to stop the process. This is where he feels the right balance has been reached.
Born in Aleppo in 1949, Boghossian stems from a family of jewelers for whom he worked while studying Economics and Sociology at University of Saint-Joseph in Beirut. In 1975, the Lebanese Civil War forced Boghossian to leave the country and settle in Belgium. Over three decades ago, Boghossian decided to enroll in the Academy of Fine Arts in Boitsfort, Brussels, while continuing to oversee the family business. In 1992, together with his brother and father he created the Boghossian Foundation.
Globally, Boghossian is one of the few artists who experiments by applying fire and smoke to various works. Fire, being his artistic language of choice, is used through a wide array of torches. Having transitioned a little more than a decade ago towards abstraction Boghossian’s art may evoke a contemporary view on the Zero-movement and Fluxus although he claims not to belong to any artistic movement.
Objects that Boghossian has attacked through the flame include canvas, paper, books, and plastics, at times leaving behind patterns of perforation. In his paintings and drawings, Boghossian uses different multimedia including watercolor, charcoal, oil, pigments, and acrylic paint with techniques that include folding, collage, and uprooting. Boghossian’s sculptures range from wood, polystyrene, clay, marble, and bronze, some of which he also tickles with the flame.


Jean Boghossian
Volcano #16, 2023

Jean Boghossian
Volcano #17, 2023

Jean Boghossian
Phoenix, 2021

Jean Boghossian
Smoke series, 2019

Jean Boghossian
Smoke series, 2021
2024 Anima Gallery | Flames | Doha, Qatar
2024 Nosbaum Reding Gallery | Smoke Signals | Luxembourg
2024 N Gallery | Seoul, Korea
2023 Mark Hachem Gallery | Unveiling the Elemental | Paris, France
2023 Boon Gallery | Making Waves | Knokke, Belgium
2023 Opera Gallery | Jean Boghossian | Monaco
2022 Gallerie Il Ponte | Antinomia Ardente | Florence, Italy
2019 Gallery Tanit | About Nature & Colours | Munich, Germany
2018 Galerie Valérie Bach | Rythmes & Matières | Brussels, Belgium
2018 Galerie Pièce Unique | Rhapsody in Red and Blue | Paris, France
2018 Cardi Gallery | Jean Boghossian | London, United Kingdom
2018 Ayyam Gallery | Unpredictable Horizons | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2014 Black Box Bis Gallery | Secrète Architecture | Brussels, Belgium
2012 Black Box Bis Gallery | À l’Epreuve du feu | Brussels, Belgium
2024 Wittockiana, The Museum of Book Arts and Bookbinding | Abstract Writings, Abstract Thoughts | Brussels, Belgium
2024 Union Bancaire Privée | JB | Monaco
2023 Fondazione Sicilia & Fondazione Sebastiano Tusa | The Language of Fire, Flaming Imaginary | Villa Zito, Palermo, Sicily
2023 SBM | The Sea is Green | Monte-Carlo, Monaco
2022 GT World Challenge race | Bentley Art Car | Brussels, Belgium
2022 Matenadaran | Dialogue | Yerevan, Armenia
2022 Compagnia della Vela | Melencolia Contemporanea | Venice, Italy
2022 Mazarine Variations | Jean Boghossian | Paris, France
2021 Wilford X | Jean Boghossian at Wilford X | Temse, Belgium
2021 Guy Ledune | Recent Works | Brussels, Belgium
2020 Wilford X | Jean Boghossian at Wilford X | Temse, Belgium
2020 Sichtweisen Burgkirche project | Feuerspuren | Friedberg, Germany
2019 Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art | Flamme Intérieure | Gyeongju, Korea
2019 United Nations | Cessez le feu! | Geneva, Switzerland
2018 Museum Ground | Flamme intérieure | Yongin, Korea
2018 L’Orient Le Jour | Building with Fire | Beirut, Lebanon
2018 National Gallery of Armenia | Fiamma Inestinguibile II | Yerevan, Armenia
2017 The 57th Venice Biennale | Fiamma Inestinguibile | Armenian National Pavilion | Venice, Italy
2017 Musée d’Ixelles | Traces Sensibles | Brussels, Belgium
2015 Beirut Exhibition Center | Tra due Fuochi | Beirut, Lebanon
2013 Wittockiana, The Museum of Book Arts and Bookbinding, Library | Le Très Doux Feu du Dedans | Brussels, Belgium
2011 Beirut Exhibition Center | Burning | Beirut, Lebanon
2006-2010 Black Box Galerie | Various Exhibitions | Belgium
2024 Mandarin Oriental Hotel | Opera Gallery ft. Jean Boghossian | Paris, France
2024 Hôtel Hermitage | SBM | Monte-Carlo, Monaco
2023-2024 Steigenberger Hotels | Steigenberger Icon Wiltcher’s Hotel | Explorer: Beyond Fire | Brussels, Belgium
2023 Rocco Forte Hotels | Villa Igiea | Parlermo, Sicily
2022-2023 Mandarin Oriental Hotel | Opera Gallery ft. Jean Boghossian | Paris, France
2020-2023 Mandarin Oriental Hotel | Geneva, Switzerland
2018-2024 Rocco Forte Hotels | Amigo | Sfumato Blu | Brussels, Belgium
2024 Boghossian Jewels | TEFAF | Maastricht, Netherlands
2024 N Gallery | Art Busan | CONNECT | Seongnam, Korea
2023 Boon Gallery | Brafa Art Fair | Brussels, Belgium
2023 Anima Gallery | Eruption | Doha, Qatar
2023 N Gallery | Art Busan | Seongnam, Korea
2023 Boon Gallery | Brafa Art Fair | Brussels, Belgium
2023 Sculptura Gallery | Sculptura Festival #1 | Brussels, Belgium
2023 Boghossian Jewels | TEFAF | Maastricht, Netherlands
2023 Nosbaum Reding Gallery | LAW | Luxembourg
2022 Boon Gallery | Brafa Art Fair | Brussels, Belgium
2022 Galerie Tanit | Menart Art Fair | Paris, France
2022 Galerie Tanit | Contes, mythes et légendes | Beirut, Lebanon
2022 Nosbaum Reding Gallery | LAW | Luxembourg
2021 Galerie Valérie Bach | Art On Paper 2021 | Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
2020 Boon Gallery | Brafa Art Fair | Brussels, Belgium
2013 Agial Art Gallery | Abu Dhabi Art | Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2012 Gallery Rivoli | Guy Ledune | Brussels, Belgium | ft. Filip Francis, Philip Lumai, Imi Knoebel, Olivier Mosset, Gerhard Richter, Jan Schoonhoven, Dan Walsh
2009 Black Box Gallery | À plein tube sur la Lumière et la Couleur | Brussels, Belgium | ft. Cécile Bart, Nigel Freake, Filip Francis, Aïda Kazarian, Olivier Mosset, Sarkis, Tilman, Michel Verjux
2008 Black Box Gallery | XXL Summer Group Show | Brussels, Belgium
2023-2024 Boghossian Foundation | Armenia, Contemplating the Sacred | Brussels, Belgium
2023 Art D’Égypte | Forever is Now (If the Walls Could Talk, Citadel) | Cairo, Egypt
2023 Square Armand Steurs | Exhibition of Monumental Sculptures | Brussels, Belgium
2022 Coutre | Floralies gantoises | Ghent, Belgium
2019 Boghossian Foundation | Ekphrasis | Brussels, Belgium
2018 Varusschlacht Museum und Park Kalkriese | 1914 – 1918: Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever! | Bramsche, Germany | ft. 31 international artists representing 31 countries, amongst which Christian Boltanski, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Tony Cragg, Anish Kapoor, Hermann Nitsch, Kiki Smith
2018 Square Armand Steurs | 26th Exhibition of Monumental Sculptures | Brussels, Belgium
2018 InSitu and Land Art Brussels | Monumento | Brussels, Belgium | ft. Carlos Albert, Johan Baudart, Beppo, Pol Bury, Olivier Jean Caloin, Joël Canat
2015 Palazzo Vitelli | Au rendez-vous des Amis | Città di Castello, Italy | International exhibition-conference ft. 66 artists
2015 Museo Archeologico di Atina e della Valle di Comino “G. Visacchi” | Sonoro Visiva, Esprienze di confine linguistico | Atina, Italy | ft. Bizhan Bassiri, Giuseppe Chiari, Jannis Kounellis, Daniele Lombardi, Renato Ranaldi, Carlo Rea
2015 Fonds Erasme | Le Chat au Journal | Brussels, Belgium | ft. Michaël Borremans, Isabelle de Borchgrave, Hervé Di Rosa, Gérard Garouste, Philippe Geluck, Karl Lagerfeld, Laurence Jenkell, Jean-Luc Moerman, François Schuiten, Pierre Soulages, Jeanne Susplugas, Yan Pei-Ming
2012 Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art | Vers la lumière | Gwangju, Korea | ft. Yves Charnay, Christiane
Delaroux, Bang Hai Ja, Hong Soun, Pae Mi Kyung, Kim Soon Hee, Kim Gil Wong